Reference scheme for RI-RI consultations on roles, relations & interactions of research infrastructures in the biodiversity & ecosystems domain

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n/a Reference scheme for RI-RI consultations on roles, relations & interactions of research infrastructures in the biodiversity & ecosystems domain
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Project ENVRIplus
Deliverable nr n/a
Submission date 2018-01-31
Type Guideline

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1 Executive summary[edit]

With increasing importance of large-scale international scientific collaborations, increasing numbers of Research Infrastructures (RIs) need to clarify their relations and interactions with other RIs, for reasons of practical cooperation, strategic purposes, or both. As a result, a range of documents (Letters of Intent, Memoranda of Cooperation or Understanding etc.) have emerged in varying format, content and level of formality. Beside lack of uniformity and compatability between these documents, this process have been hampered by uncertainty how to handle competition and formal problems concerning the procedure, such as mandate and legal status of signatories.

Facing this challenge, the Ecosystem and Biodiversity domain group of ENVRIplus has started the development of a consultation scheme identifying the coarse functional niche of RIs, determining the level of proximity of pairs of RIs via robust “proximity indicators” and finally offering a check list of potential fields of interactions as a basis for Strategic Documents of Cooperation (SDOCs). The approach was detailed and tested by a small group of RIs (LTER, ICOS, AnaEE, Cetaf, AQUACOSM) in a workshop in Vienna in March 2017 on invitation of eLTER H2020. Work will be continued with the the target of providing a standardized basis for bilateral RI-RI working agreements describing niches (roles & relations) and interactions in a comparable structure, in the biodiversity & ecosystems domain, and beyond. As next steps, (1) the approach and experiences up to now will be reported and discussed in the BEERi-meeting during the May 2017 ENVRIplus week and (2) pilot SDOCs be elaborated by the testing RIs.