White paper on further integration of RIs in the environmental field including recommendations on co-locating research sites at national and international level

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D17.6 White paper on further integration of RIs in the environmental field including recommendations on co-locating research sites at national and international level
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Project ENVRIplus
Deliverable nr D17.6
Submission date 2019-09-27
Type White paper

PDF | Zenodo

Document metadata

This study provides basic information to support a strategy for further integration of European Environmental Research Infrastructures (ENVRIs). The approach that has been first successfully developed for the ENVRIs in the terrestrial ecosystem domain (Kutsch et al. 2017; ENVRIPLUS deliverable 12.3) has here been extended to the atmosphere and the marine domains. The respective ‘domain studies’ are provided as appendices.

The overall aim is to push the common reflection one step forward. Based on the domain studies provided here and in Kutsch et al. 2017, an analysis of the current landscape and a group of possible scenarios for reinforced cooperation between RIs is developed. The target is a situation that would benefit all parties and strengthen their positions, be it in terms of scientific expertise, relevance of their products and services, or societal impact.

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