
Revision as of 12:43, 26 October 2020 by Alexander Zilliacus (talk | contribs) (⁉️ (Re-)categorising pages)
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Welcome to the ENVRI wiki manual! This page contains instructions for navigating and contributing to the wiki.

New to wikis? Not to worry! The amount of menus and tabs can seem daunting at first, but once you get the hang of it, you'll find that this way of organising information can be quite powerful. Here are the basics:

🧭 Navigation

At its core, every page of a wiki is a normal webpage, and you navigate by clicking links (which look like this). Pages contain regular web content: text, images, video, and so on. Here's an example:

A red link means that the page does not (yet) exist on the wiki. We'll talk more about this under "Contributing" below.

If you get lost, you can always return to the Main Page, either by using the first link in the navigation bar to the left side of your screen, or by clicking the logo to the top right. Also try using the search bar in the top right corner.

🗃️ Categories

Pages have no particular order, so to help sort them they are organised into categories. Pages can belong to multiple categories, so there are many ways to sort a page. To find which categories a page belongs to, scroll down to the very bottom of that page. (However, note that this page doesn't belong to any category!) You'll find a category bar showing which categories the page balongs to:

Categories bar example.png

Clicking on any of the blue links will take you to a category page, which lists all the pages and/or sub-categories which belong to that category. These have the "Category:" prefix in their title. Here are a couple of different kinds of category pages:

  • Category:Page_Tree contains only other categories (in fact, the ones that appear in the navigation bar).
  • ENVRIplus contains both page content (text, images, and tables), sub-categories, and other pages.

Most pages belong to a sub-category of one or more top-level categories. The top-level categories are: document type, domain, keyword, project, and theme. You can always find these in the navigation bar to the left. Pages usually don't belong directly to top-level categories, but rather to a more specific sub-category. Click the little triangles next to the top-level categories to show their sub-categories. Remember that the Main Page contains a more complete listing of categories, and more space to fold them open!

Top-level categories example.gif

That's it! With this you should be able to find your way around the wiki. If you feel that you would like more help, don't hesitate to contact us at! This manual will also be expanded with time, including images and video material.

✏️ Contributing

So you've found an error, or you'd like to contribute some new knowledge to the wiki. Now what?

What makes a wiki different is that anyone can edit the pages – so the good news are that you can get started right away! You can edit the page you're on by using the "Edit" tab in the top right corner (next to the search bar). You can find all previous edits of a given page under the "View history" tab.

Search bar and edit controls example.png

⚠️ Be aware that anonymous edits may be revoked! If you want to contribute more, and in your own name, please contact us and get a permanent user name.

All content is written using so-called wikitext. Here are some basic text formatting options:

1️⃣ Writing this... 2️⃣ ...results in this.
For ''italic text'', use two single apostrophes. For italic text, use two single apostrophes.
For '''bolded text''', use triple apostrophes. For bolded text, use triple apostrophes.
Here's a link to the [[Main Page]]. Here's a mis-spelled link to the [[main page]]. Here's a link to the Main Page. Here's a mis-spelled link to the main page.
For external links, use only one bracket: []. For external links, use only one bracket: [1].
<ref>An (automatically numbered) in-text citation, which will appear in the "References" section.</ref> [1]
The "References" section appears wherever the... <References/> ...tag is placed on the page. The "References" section appears wherever the
  1. An (automatically numbered) in-text citation which will appear "References" section.
tag is placed on the page.

For more options, you can refer to MediaWiki's own manuals on Formatting and Links.

🏷️ (Re-)categorising pages

Do you think a page is missing from a category, or has been mis-categorised? Nice catch! You can re-categorise the page by editing it and changing its category tags.

  1. Start by looking inside the top-level categories for a more suitable sub-category.
  2. Edit the page which you want to (re-)categorise, and look for the category tags. They are generally (but not always) found at the bottom of the page, and look like this: [Category: Report][Category: Solid Earth][Category: ENVRIplus]
  3. Delete the wrong categories and add the rights ones. Save your edits.

🌱 Creating new pages and categories

What if you want to create a completely new page, or an entirely new category?

🎨 Style guidelines

If you're just editing existing pages, it's good to try and keep the style consistent across the wiki.

Coming soon: some guidelines regarding sections, categories, colours, CSS, etc.

🖇️ Understanding templates

Coming soon: what are templates? List of common templates in use on the ENVRI wiki, links to more resources.

📖 About the manual

⚠️ Temporary section, likely to be deleted!

Subpage structure:

  • Help:Manual: Navigation, Constributing, Contact
    • Help:Manual/lighthouses
    • Help:Manual/templates
    • Help:Manual/guidelines