Provenance in IAGOS

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Context of provenance in IAGOS

Summary of IAGOS requirements for provenance

Detailed requirements

  1. Do you already have data provenance recording in your RI? yes
    If so:
  2. Where/when do you need it, e.g., in the data processing workflows, data collection/curation procedures, versioning control in the repositories etc.? processing workflow, collection
  3. What systems are you using? GIT for code, no standard for data
  4. What standards are you using?
    1. Advantages/disadvantages
    2. Have you ever heard about the PROV-O standard?
      no standard
  5. Do you need provenance tracking? yes
    1. If so, which information should be contained? version of the data, version of the data processing
  6. What information do you need to record regarding the following:
    1. Scientific question and working hypothesis? no
    2. Investigation design? no
    3. Observation and/or measurement methods? yes
    4. Observation and/or measurement devices? yes
    5. Observation/measurement context (who, what, when, where, etc.)? yes
    6. Processing methods, queries? yes
    7. Quality assurance? yes
  7. Do you know/use controlled vocabularies, e.g. ontologies, taxonomies and other formally specified terms, for the description of the steps for data provenance? no
  8. What support, e.g. software, tools, and operational procedures (workflows), do you think is needed for provenance tracking? NA
  9. How does your community use/plan to use the provenance information?
    1. Do you have any tools or services in place/planned for this purpose?

Produce this information in the frame of the IGAS Work package 4 (IAGOS for Copernicus Atmospheric Service, FP7)

no tools planned yet

Formalities (who & when)

Yin Chen
RI representative
Damien Boularnger<>

is the Manager of the IAGOS Information system

Period of requirements collection
Nov-Dec 2015