EMSO collated requirements

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Introduction to EMSO

EMSO, the European multidisciplinary seafloor & water column observatory (http://www.emso-eu.org/) provides research infrastructure for integrating data gathered from a range of ocean observatories and tries to ensure open access to that data to academic researchers. EMSO is based on a European-scale distributed research infrastructure of seafloor observatories with the basic scientific objective of long-term monitoring, mainly in real-time, of environmental processes related to the interaction between the geosphere, biosphere, and hydrosphere, including natural hazards. It is presently composed of several deep-seafloor observatories, which will be deployed on specific sites around European waters, reaching from the Arctic to the Black Sea passing through the Mediterranean Sea, thus forming a widely distributed pan-European infrastructure.

EMSO is currently (January 2016) in step 2 of the European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) application.

Requirements gathered

General requirements

General requirements of EMSO

Identification and citation

Identification and citation in EMSO






Community support

Community support in EMSO

Summary and conclusions